My name is Alison Myers, and I am a dedicated and passionate Art educator. I currently teach at Chappelow K-8 Arts Magnet School as the Middle Level Visual Arts Teacher. I teach grades 6, 7, and 8, in an open studio, mixed grade level format. I have earned a Bachelor's Degree and a Master's Degree in Visual Arts Education from the University of Northern Colorado, and I am always seeking opportunities to improve my understanding of how the arts can impact the lives of students, and how I can improve my middle school Art classroom environment. This website, "mrsmyersartroom," is primarily designed for students to utilize in the classroom as a reference tool for art exploration. It is also designed as a stepping stone for me to become more experienced with educational technology and seeing firsthand how "flipping" my classroom instruction can benefit student artists.
In the Middle Level Art Studio, we use an open studio, choice based TAB (Teaching for Artistic Behavior) format. With this approach, students are given the opportunity to take ownership over their learning in art. They self-select materials and project themes based on their own personal skills, interests, and passions, and I help facilitate their creative process. My ultimate goals for every student in my class are to learn that Art is everywhere, and to learn that everyone can be an artist. In other words, I want my students to gain access to the capacity to think creatively by finding a way to engage with art that meets their personal needs, strengths and challenges. In 2015, I began the process of transitioning to TAB and I am constantly seeing the benefits of this approach in my classroom. With the students leading their learning in Art, they are working harder, making more discoveries and participating in Art in ways that I never imagined.
TAB (Teaching for Artistic Behavior) is a nationally recognized method for Art education that regards students as artists, the classroom as the Art studio, and invites them to find answers to the question, "What do artists do?" To learn more about TAB teaching visit the website: teachingforartisticbehavior.org